Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Which Dorkasaurus Would Prefer to Hit on You?

Last week, at Sundance, Kenneth Cole had a lounge to promote their new fragrance: Kenneth Cole Reaction. While there, they commenced with the usual drink and swagathon, but they made the celebs do a little performance for their freebies. They were asked two questions: 'What Issue Do You Want People to Be Aware of in 2008?' and 'What's Your Best Pick-Up Line?' While the answers to their pet issues of 2008 were pretty much relegated to the usual Miss America ilk, the pickup lines were re-dam-diculous. Ian Ziering had the worst, which might explain why he's always chasing the girlies and doesn't seem to have much luck catching them. His thought provoking line that's supposed to be his best line: "Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I see myself in your pants." What word rhymes with loosh? If you want to see the rest of the lines, or enter a contest using your best line, you can check it out here:

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