Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Survivor Machine Rolls On

I am not making this up...I swear. "Survivor" is doing licensing deals with vitamin enriched sunflower seed companies. You'll start seeing these displays in March at your local megamart. Oh yeah, it gets better, they've also struck a deal for a "Survivor" fitness program. This is all very interesting, considering they typically don't give the "Survivor" contestants food, except the occasional rice, cow eye, rotten egg, or bottle of booze (which makes for fun viewing considering contestants haven't eaten before consuming the alcohol). Oh, and the fitness program? The girls get "hot" on that show by not eating and running around in all kinds of convoluted challenges in the sweltering heat. Not exactly what most people consider a "fitness routine." But there's more:
Exec said she's in the process of securing deals that will create "Survivor"-branded outdoor adventure programs and corporate team-building/leadership development plans.
I'm not thinking that I would become a better team player, for my company, by having one of my co-workers (or boss) brow beat me to force down a balut egg, a cow eye, or a cup of (insert random 3rd world country emaciated farm animal here) blood. This writer's strike has apparently hit networks harder than we thought.

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