Thursday, February 7, 2008

Fashion Disaster for Charity

These two were spotted at Madonna's celebrity-studded event on the lawns of the United Nations to aid Malawi orphans, UNICEF and to inaugurate a new Gucci store. (If you cram enough charities/businesses into one're bound to get a good turnout....and they did.) These 2 were the worst fashion offenders of the night. I had to put the two of them next to each other because, while they both usually dress enviably well...these potato sacks leave A LOT to be desired. Gwenyth Paltrow looks like she found a mauve Hefty Drawstring Garbage bag and tied it around her neck. Was this part of a Project Runway stunt? And what's with those shoes Gwenny? Did Birkenstock come out with a new line of spike heels? Drew Barrymore looks like she couldn't decide if she wanted to dress for Spring or Winter. I know that yellow is all the rage and so are thick belts...but the two you've got on do not belong together - and that would be the understatement of the week. She looks like she's an escapee from that horrible Jerry Seinfeld Bee Movie.

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