Sunday, February 10, 2008

The WRECKage of the Week in Review

Paris Hilton, The Hottie and The Nottie....Definitely not hot Natasha Beddingfield is trying to find herself Pete Doherty is begging for change with a tin cup Britney's divorce attorneys just can't take it anymore Flat Stanley comes out of retirement and hits Hollywood BIG The Cirque Lodge is getting more popular than Villa, Area, or Butter combined Jenna Jameson still looks like a Fuller Brush Mop

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Nicole Scherzinger - Bandit

I'm not a fan of this song or video. Why the shiz is Nicole Scherzinger wearing a knit ski mask my little cousin Richie wore when he was 7 in the deep freeze of the Midwest? I don't see any snow in this video and considering I don't see any goose bumps or hard body parts ( ;) ), I'm guessing it's not very cold in that garage.


Dave Navarro was hanging out with his new friends on Thursday night at the XBIZ Adult Industry Award Show. He wasn't nominated for anything...just hanging out all of his new industry dudes and hotties. While he wasn't overly thrilled with having his picture taken, our good friend was able to snap this one. Hey Dave, get over yourself, it's just sex! Oh, and you're a porn director now - and everyone knows about it.

Stylist Gone Wrong

Yes, these pictures are of the same woman - Natasha Beddingfield! Where do I start? First, this look ages her by about 10 years, I'm not sure if the hair is supposed to be some ode to the '80's or if she was channeling Sanjaya and the whole fauxhawk thing, and while that dress looks good from this angle....I've seen the whole look and it's just plain BAD!
HELP WANTED Stylist who knows what era we're in and how to make me look my age or younger. Must be able to handle all types of situations including, but not limited to: paparazzi, hangers on, mood swings...etc.

Psychiatric Ward 1 - Rehab 2 is reporting that Pat O'Brien, from The Insider, has checked into rehab AGAIN. Not sure what prompted this, besides the obvious, but the last time he went was after some naughty phone messages were leaked. So, since we're keeping track of the Psych Ward vs Rehab rivalry....we've got Rehab winning this week. Can Psych Ward pull off the win in the final quarter of the day? Let's watch and find out.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Nip Slip of the Day

Paris Hilton was "performing" at Boston's Escape Club on Wednesday night when her "girls" decided to help by giving her a little backup support and slipping out for all to view. It's not like we haven't seen her boobies before. At least the paying customers got some entertainment from her. (Photo: INF/

Jesse Who?

Jesse Metcalf and his bro posse went out in Hollywood last night and while his career is taking it on the is his real chin. While going into Boulevard 3, he ran into Taryn Manning and her boyfriend (that's him slugging Jesse). Don't really know what went down, but my guess is that Jesse got slugged for wearing a plaid flannel shirt to a Hollywood nightclub. We know you're out of work, but geez, how about you dress with an "image" in mind. Right now, your image is "hey I really am a gardener."

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Fashion Disaster for Charity

These two were spotted at Madonna's celebrity-studded event on the lawns of the United Nations to aid Malawi orphans, UNICEF and to inaugurate a new Gucci store. (If you cram enough charities/businesses into one're bound to get a good turnout....and they did.) These 2 were the worst fashion offenders of the night. I had to put the two of them next to each other because, while they both usually dress enviably well...these potato sacks leave A LOT to be desired. Gwenyth Paltrow looks like she found a mauve Hefty Drawstring Garbage bag and tied it around her neck. Was this part of a Project Runway stunt? And what's with those shoes Gwenny? Did Birkenstock come out with a new line of spike heels? Drew Barrymore looks like she couldn't decide if she wanted to dress for Spring or Winter. I know that yellow is all the rage and so are thick belts...but the two you've got on do not belong together - and that would be the understatement of the week. She looks like she's an escapee from that horrible Jerry Seinfeld Bee Movie.

The Survivor Machine Rolls On

I am not making this up...I swear. "Survivor" is doing licensing deals with vitamin enriched sunflower seed companies. You'll start seeing these displays in March at your local megamart. Oh yeah, it gets better, they've also struck a deal for a "Survivor" fitness program. This is all very interesting, considering they typically don't give the "Survivor" contestants food, except the occasional rice, cow eye, rotten egg, or bottle of booze (which makes for fun viewing considering contestants haven't eaten before consuming the alcohol). Oh, and the fitness program? The girls get "hot" on that show by not eating and running around in all kinds of convoluted challenges in the sweltering heat. Not exactly what most people consider a "fitness routine." But there's more:
Exec said she's in the process of securing deals that will create "Survivor"-branded outdoor adventure programs and corporate team-building/leadership development plans.
I'm not thinking that I would become a better team player, for my company, by having one of my co-workers (or boss) brow beat me to force down a balut egg, a cow eye, or a cup of (insert random 3rd world country emaciated farm animal here) blood. This writer's strike has apparently hit networks harder than we thought.

Attack of the Restylane

Brittany Murphy was spotted out and about at New York Fashion Week sporting her own new look. The "ever popular with celebrities" overinflated lips. While we can't say for sure that she's had anything done, her pout is looking more like Lisa Rinna's than her own - and that's not a good thing. Does anyone still remember that old addage: "Less is More?"

Psychiatric Ward 1 - Rehab 1

So far this week, we've got one new patient in the psych ward (Delta Burke) and one new rehab patient. Our newest celebrity patient is Kirsten Dunst, checking herself into The Cirque Lodge in Utah. The rumors of her addictions and hard partying ways have been running rampant for weeks now. Her antics at Sundance were the coup de gras. She's not going to have any celebrity company at The Lodge (at least not right now) since Eva Mendes just checked out.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Biggest Oscar Party in Town - Canceled

Vanity Fair issued a press announcement, this morning, that in support of the Writer's and their ongoing strike, they have decided to cancel their annual party.
After much consideration, and in support of the writers and everyone else affected by this strike, we have decided that this is not the appropriate year to hold our annual Oscar party. We want to congratulate all of this year’s nominees and we look forward to hosting our 15th Oscar party next year.
Oh no....what are the poor celebs going to do now? I guess George Clooney will have to pony up for a keg or two and some of those little wrapped weiners and have everyone over after the show.

Psychiatric Ward...The Hottest Reservation in Town

TMZ is reporting that Delta Burke checked herself into a psychiatric ward last week. She checked herself in suffering from depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and hoarding. Apparently she is a long-time sufferer of hoarding and believes it has ruined her life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

There's Something About Kylie

Moschino Dress....$2,000 Limousine....$500 Hair Dresser that creates up to the moment styles....PRICELESS Kylie Minogue is normally on top of her game with clothing, makeup, hair and everything else. Honey, you need to get a better stylist. Wind or not, there is such a thing as extra hold hairspray. (Photo: WENN)

Who's That Guy on the Right?

Holy Shiz! Believe it or not, that guy on the right is not William's Mickey Rourke. While there is a 21 year age difference between Mickey and Bill, Mickey sure has lost that "sex symbol" look that he had. It's all that hard living. This is still from the movie he's currently filming called The Wrestler. In it, he plays Randy “The Ram” Robinson who comes out of retirement to try to knock down an old rival. At least he looks to have gotten himself in better shape than when we last saw him, getting that DUI on a Vespa scooter. (Photo:Xposure)

Visa, Everywhere Amy Wants to Be?

Even though Amy Winehouse has been nominated for 6 Grammy Awards, this Sunday night, it's been a big question whether or not she'd be able to get her travel Visa to come to the US to attend the show. And now that she was recently caught, on video tape, smoking crack it's even more doubtful that she'll get to make that trip. The Sun is reporting that the police paid a visit to her today, to talk to her more about that video and her rehab. So, what have we learned from this?...and NO, the correct answer is not "don't get caught." (Photo: BigPicture)

The Whole Enchilada

No pictures are worthy of this. Brit's mom, Lynn Spears, spills all the gory details, including how he drugged Britney, in the restraining order filed against Osama Lufti. This is the stuff movies are made of.

It's Nipply Cold Here in LA Today

Pennsylvania's got Punxsutaney Phil, who predicted 6 more weeks of winter. Those of us here in Los Angeles have Rumer Willis. Looks like we've got 6 more weeks of winter weather too. Nice nips Rumer! (Photo: X17)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Fashion Week Goes to the Birds

I don't know what prompted the Lisa Rinna Shake It and Bake It Tour 2008, but I'd like to take whoever convinced her that she looked good like this out for a little meeting behind the woodshed. For crying out loud - this was part of fashion week. Dancing With the Stars is OVER for you Dear!!!!! I think it's possible that she has over-inflated her lips up so much that, at this point, she either has to keep up the injections or have lip reduction surgery. If she just quit the injectables cold turkey, her lower lip would probably rest on her boobs. The oompa loompa orange tan isn't saving this look either. This woman looks like one of those bird marionettes that has the jiggly necks and legs made out of rick rack. Get it together woman...even your kid is embarrassed. (Photo: James Masserschmidt/NY Post)

Introducing...The Newest Cheetah Girl

Alicia Keys rocks, for sure....but what the hell is this outfit? I think she's channeling Peg Bundy.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Amy at Rehab...First Pix

The Sun is reporting that this is the first picture taken of Amy Winehouse while she's been in rehab. I'll be nice...she's upright and still alive. (Photo:

The WRECKage of the Week in Review

Britney takes the plunge again with the Big "C" Eva Mendes is the latest celeb to take a vacation to Club Rehab Justin Chambers sleepless nights Spice Girls: "Can't we all just get along?" Kelly Rowland's bohemian rhapsody What happened to Amy Winehouse when she looked "Ropey?" So now we eagerly anticipate a nip slip from Tom Petty during Superbowl Halftime?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wanna See Pamela Anderson Naked?

The Mirror is reporting that Pamela Anderson is booked for a four show stripping gig, at The Crazy Horse nightclub, in Paris.

She reportedly will be "dancing" to a French band of rockers known as Harley Davidson, and taking off her clothes.

The last time I was at a strip club, I didn't notice any gossamer lenses, special lighting, or techniques available to hide the ravages of time. I think she really ought to re-think this gig. But, then again, maybe she found some magical time removal box to step into and she looks like she did back in her Baywatch days - when people really wanted to see her naked.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Rehab is the New Black

The trend in '07 was celebrity babies....the trend for '08 is Rehab, which also includes check-ins to Psych Wards. Eva has checked into the same facility that Lindsay Lohan used, Cirque Lodge. She's apparently been there for a few weeks already. Her publicist just released this statement:
"Eva has been working hard for the past year and made a positive decision to take some much-needed time off to proactively attend to some personal issues that, while not critical, she felt deserved some outside professional support. Out of respect for Eva's privacy, we do not wish to discuss further details."
So let's recap the week of Rehab/Psych Ward patients: Justin Chambers, Britney Spears, & Eva Mendes. Keep in mind, there's still a lot of time left in week for more.

Lil' Kim Changes Race for Black History Month

Last time I checked, Lil' Kim was African American - not Asian. What the hell is she up to now? I'm not sure if it's makeup or if she's gone completely knife happy with the plastic surgery. But this is no way to kick off Black History Month. Lil' Kim and Marc Jacobs were together last night kicking off New York Fashion Week at a screening of Marc's movie Marc Jacobs & Louis Vuitton.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Something Must be in the Water...Amy Winehouse Rushed to Hospital

The Sun is reporting that Amy Winehouse was rushed to a London clinic on Wednesday, around the corner from Capio Nightingale hospital where she is going through rehab, and put on a drip for dehydration. She was reported to be looking pale and thin. If they're saying she looks pale and thin now...I can't imagine how bad she must look. She always looks pale and thin. She's reportedly going off the drugs cold turkey.

More People Working the Thriller

A few months ago there was the Filipino prisoners performing Michael Jackson's Thriller. This time there's a group performing on the London Tube, with regular/unsuspecting passengers as the audience. I laughed my ass off. Mostly because the uptight Brit's show almost no reaction to the dancers.

What? Reality Television Isn't Real?

Thanks to Mama, from, for the research on this one. Apparently the house that Scott Baio and the Missus actually live in is a house he purchased in Encino back in 1994. This ugly concrete monstrosity, that he was whining and moaning about the mortgage payments, was all a fake. Well, the house isn't fake, it's quite real and on the market for $3,199,000, but Scott's little girl whiny imitation was just for show. But seriously, is anyone out there shocked that they couldn't get any good material from the life of Chachi?

Baby Auction - Who's the Highest Bidder?

According to, People Magazine has won the bidding war to publish the first pictures of Nicole Richie and Joel Madden's baby Harlow. The winning bid? $1m. But wait...there's more...there's apparently another war being battled for the first photo's of Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman's little bundle of joy Max. People and OK! Magazines have raised the bar to $1.5m and it's not over yet. No word, from either camp, that funds are being donated to was the case with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's pictures of Shiloh. With that kind of a payday, it makes you want to run right out and get knocked up by the nearest celebrity - cha-ching!

Heath Ledger's Drug Video

By now, you've probably heard - or maybe seen, the video that Entertainment Tonight/The Insider have been promoting that they have. It was heavily promoted and previewed on The Insider. They have since had a "change of heart" and are now not going to show it out of respect for the family. Give me a break! They paid a lot of money for this footage that was filmed a while ago at the Chateau Marmont hotel. The video shows someone who appears to besnorting cocaine, Heath rolling up a cigarette paper, taking a drink of beer, and saying that he was "going to get serious (word bleeped) from my girlfriend" for being at the party. According to Daily Variety:
The Hollywood community put pressure on the syndicated programs not to air the material. A statement spread through Hollywood by Ledger's public relations firm called the video "shameful exploitation of the lowest kind."
My impression of this is that these shows were convinced that showing this video would be bad for them if they ever would like to get other celebrity guests on their shows. Just my opinion though.

Brit's Committment Ceremony

Well, it finally happened. Britney was committed for psychiatric help this morning. is reporting that it was a plan that was hatched by her new shrink, and also had something to do with Sam Lufti, and that it had been in the works for several days. There was none of the drama, experienced earlier this month at Brit's house. It had been coordinated with LA police to the point where they even had a special code name for her, "The Package." Of course, she had a Presidential escort to UCLA Hospital (where she was taken). Two helicopters, an ambulance, and a dozen police. This time, the police would not allow the paparazzi to follow. Now the wrangling begins between Sam and her parents for control of her. Apparently she had some papers drawn up, recently, stating that she did not want her parents having any control over her health. We'll see. Hopefully this will get her to get her act together.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Which Dorkasaurus Would Prefer to Hit on You?

Last week, at Sundance, Kenneth Cole had a lounge to promote their new fragrance: Kenneth Cole Reaction. While there, they commenced with the usual drink and swagathon, but they made the celebs do a little performance for their freebies. They were asked two questions: 'What Issue Do You Want People to Be Aware of in 2008?' and 'What's Your Best Pick-Up Line?' While the answers to their pet issues of 2008 were pretty much relegated to the usual Miss America ilk, the pickup lines were re-dam-diculous. Ian Ziering had the worst, which might explain why he's always chasing the girlies and doesn't seem to have much luck catching them. His thought provoking line that's supposed to be his best line: "Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I see myself in your pants." What word rhymes with loosh? If you want to see the rest of the lines, or enter a contest using your best line, you can check it out here:

Kim Kardashian Topless Photo Shoot

Kim's latest gig...outside of her reality show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," running her clothing store, and dating Reggie Bush is promoting Famous Stars And Straps, a new clothing line designed by former Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker. While it's not quite her sex tape with Ray J or her photo spread with Playboy...she's certainly making a name for herself in the "softcore" arena.

The Cruz Sisters Doing Porn?

Yes, that's really Penelope Cruz and her Sister Monica Cruz in that liplock. No, this is not photoshop. Being the loving and devoted sisters that they are, they were recruited by their brother, Eduardo, to help him launch his music career by being in his video. The premise of the video is that the sisters are dubbing the soundtrack for a Lesbian Porn. While they're watching and dubbing the movie, they get in "the mood" themselves. Check out the video here. Now the question is, will this hurt Penelope's movie cred? I'm guessing it's only going to get better from here.

Brit's Latest Nip Slip

Yep, those are the kinds of friends you want in your life. The one's that say "Hell yeah babe, you look awesome in that top." even though your nips are showing. That's what you want to hear if you're looking for some lingerie or a new outfit for your Feature Dance at Rick's Cabaret. (Photo: X17)

Britney's "Men" Battle it Out for Control

Sender: Sam Lufti...Recipient: Adnan Ghalib. These texts were sent a couple of nights ago. On the evening that Brit got into it with Sam and called Adnan to come get her. These two are unbelievable! One of them, no one seems to trust - except Brit. The other one seems to have a bit of a shady past which includes 3 restraining filed against him was by another GUY. I'm guessing that neither one of these two has ever heard the phrase "Don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg."

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Paula Abdul...Dance Like There's No Tomorrow

Paula Abdul's latest and greatest. This is the song she's going to debut at The Superbowl. It sounds like a mixture of a bunch of her 80's hits like: Forever Your Girl, Opposites Attract, Crazy Cool, Straight get the picture. I'm sure it will do well at the clubs, it's got a great dance beat - it should, Paula is a dancer - but I can't help but hear those 80's songs when I listen to it. What do you think?

Crazy is as Crazy Does

Please welcome the latest celebrity rehabber - Sean Young. After her drunken outburst at the DGA's (Director's Guild Awards) this past weekend, she has decided to go to rehab.
''Sean Young voluntarily admitted herself yesterday to a rehabilitation center for treatment related to alcoholism,'' a statement from Insignia PR said Tuesday. ''It is understood that Young has struggled against the disease for many years.''
At Saturday's DGA awards, she screamed in French at French actress Marion Cotillard, and when Kristen Chenoweth belted out a few bars to a song (encouraged by Carl Reiner) Sean started singing too. The final straw was when she heckled director Julian Schnabel during his speech as a nominee for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. When Schnabel heard her, he suggested that she ''have another cocktail.'' The actress was then promptly removed from the venue. Young achieved status in the 1980s for movies like Stripes, Blade Runner, and No Way Out. But in recent years she's been better known for bizarre behavior, including dressing up in a homemade cat suit in an attempt to land the role of Catwoman in Batman Returns, her being sued by James Woods for harassing him and then later saying she would like to star in a movie with him if she could hurt or kill him in the movie, and trying to crash Vanity Fair's Oscar party in 2006.

A Happier, Mellower Naomi in the New Year?

No, I'm not going soft, but I thought this was odd. I can't remember the last time I saw anything positive about this chic. She flew to Berlin to launch their fashion week and to give a speech on discrimination in the modeling industry. A better topic would have been the proper way to hurl a shoe or phone at someone's head. Or "Target Practice for Dummies." Hello Magazine is reporting that she and Boris Becker (the former tennis player) really hit it off. They were seen talking, a lot, and giggling at each others jokes. How long are we going to give her before we see her back in court for some new assault charges? What's the over under for 3 months? (Photo: © Rex)

Feeling Toasty on a Cold LA Night

Yoko Romo a.k.a. Jessica Simpson and her boytoy Tony Romo hit the town (and Jess hit the sauce) last night. They were spotted all over the place. The night started with din-din at Il Sole and ended at the Key Club for Metal Skool. They're an 80's band spoof that are hilarious if you haven't seen them. -sorry I digress.....Jessica looks like a drunk college girl getting some help into that big 'ol SUV. I'm sure she'll be waking up late today.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Brit's Latest Nip Slip

What would a week be like if it didn't start out with some kind of trashtastic event by our girl Britney Spears? Seems like Brit booked herself a little practice time over at Millennium Dance Studio with her pal Sam Lufti. While she was workin' it out, she slipped a little boobage. This video is a little over 3 minutes long. I'll save you the trouble of having to watch the whole thing. Just fast forward to 3:21 for all the fun. By the looks of her reaction to this, it seems like this happens to her a lot.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The SAG Awards and the Stars That Sagged in Their Fashions

(Photo: Dave Edwards- ©*Steve Granitz/
(Photo: Lester Cohen/*Evan Agostini/AP Photo)
(Photo: Vespa/ (Photo: DeGuire/*Steve Granitz/ (Photo: Steve Granitz/ Not a lot of missteps on the red carpet tonight, at the SAG Awards. Since this might be the only night the start get to really dress up this awards season. But the one's that looked bad...really looked bad. Lisa Rinna's channelling the Cheetah Girls - I'm all about feeling young for your age and dressing to have fun, but she just looks stupid in this dress. Sandra Oh looks like she's trying to be a 12 year old playing dress up. Bows on the butt and boobs are just plain wrong!!!!! Angelina Jolie - I get that we're trying not to let on that we're pregnant, again, but for crying out loud. We all know you dress better than this. We saw you drinking water all night...we're fine if you're pregnant and don't want to say anything at this point. But you had so many other options besides the Army issued tent. Brad...I've got nothing...he looks fantastic, as usual. Viggo...what the hell? You look like some kind of religious kook that's about 60 years old. Who dressed you? Jamie-Lynn-Sigler...are you kidding me? The only thing right about this dress is that it's got the white on top (Hayden Panitierre wore something the other way around during the holidays - ick!!!!!). Your left side is sagging dear, not sure if it's you or the dress. This is the worst thing I've seen you wear. Burn it! Debra Messing. Clearly you've fired your stylist and you are now channeling Nefertiti. This sack does absolutely nothing for your shape or color. If you were Nefertiti, your charges would dump your ass right off the carriage and probably smack you with their palm fronds. Apparently Jane Krakowski decided to have some candy and gumballs sewn onto her gown in case the ceremony ran long and she needed a sugar fix. That's the nicest thing I can say about this dress. and Miss Jenna play a dowdy little mouse on The Office, but you're a newly single woman about you dress the part. Remember Reese Witherspoon about this time last year? She didn't play down her status and people (read studios) took notice. Come on Jenna, let's sex it up a bit!

The WRECKage of the Week in Review

Weirdness surrounding the finding of Heath Ledger's body. Miley Cyrus is not quite the little MySpace is showing. Lindsay Lohan finally gets recognized with a reputable award. Amy Winehouse shows her fans what she does in her downtime. Call it cliche: but Amy Winehouse says "Yes, Yes, Yes" to Rehab. Girls Aloud singer Cheryl screams It's Over! - Really Loudly. Shocking!!!! Britney actually makes it to her deposition. Not shocking, she still can't see her kids. What pays more? Pictures of celebs or intimate life details of celebs? (Picture: Jess Vespa/

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Stick Figure Singing Happy Birthday to Tito Ortiz

So last night was Tito Ortiz' birthday and Jenna decided to throw him a little party at the Cathouse in Las Vegas. With whatever strength she could muster...she came out of a cake to sing "Happy Birthday" and then shake her skeleton a bit to burn off those pesky air calories that she had inhaled all day. Thanks to for the video. (Just click on the above picture to watch.)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Can I Get Coke With That Buzz?

Now this is ingenious!!!!! Pot vending machines have come to Los Angeles. Starting Monday, Angelenos can cut out that annoying hassle of dealing with people when buying their medical marijuana. They still have to go to the clinic and have their medical card with their prescription to use the machines, but now they don't have to deal with that bummer of a dude behind the counter. So when do are they going to put these things in at the clubs? They could load 'em up with E, Valium, Percocet, Ambien, Oxycotin....oh the possibilities. They'd make more money on that than those stupid condom machines (which obviously no one Hollywood uses). Thoughts?

Butt Zac......

Yes, this is Zac case you couldn't tell from this angle. Clearly he's not Emo, if he was there is no way his pants would be below his butt. I'm not sure is Zac is trying to one-up his girlfriend (Vanessa Hudgens) or if he's trying to audition for a porn movie. Butt seriously, why bother putting pants on? (Photo:

Does Anybody Really Care Anymore?

The Miss America pageant is a bit dated and it doesn't have the draw that all of the current reality shows have....embarrassing moments, bad singing (horrible singing), overweight people trying to lose weight, etc. I propose the whole contest be changed, to update and modernize it. New pageant contests: official IQ tests where we get to watch them taking the tests and then getting the results LIVE on national television, televised interview with their last ex boyfriend/girlfriend - to see what their personality is really like, put them behind the counter of Starbucks, for the early morning weekday shift - as a barrista - and see how well they operate under pressure. Oh, and going off on the success of "Moment of Truth," instead asking them one question, how about hooking them up to a lie detector and asking them questions on stage. I'm just saying, this could be kind of fun and by combining all of these individual ratings hits could revive this competition. If you're looking for something to do this weekend, and you're going to be in Las Vegas...they haven't been able to give away all of the audience tickets yet. So if you'd like to go see this, just go to this site and snag your tix. Show Tickets

Thursday, January 24, 2008

There Must Be Something in the Bleach Bottle

It started with Jessica's movie...straight to DVD. Oh, and before it even had been released, they were running a $3 off coupon for it in US Magazine. Sorry, it was released to something like 8 theaters, before it went to video, in her native state of Texas and only made around $1000 the entire weekend. Seriously...this movie has got to be bad. But it gets better...the movie Pamela Anderson and Denise Richards made is ALSO going straight to video. While no one seems too surprised by this...It makes me think that Denise knew about this and that's why she's pimping her daughters out for that reality television bs. Charlie Sheen's got his work cut out for him with this one.

It's Coming...It's Coming

We've heard the rumors about this for almost a year now and apparently this is really going to happen. Scarlet Johansson is releasing and album. It's dropping May 20th on a label that's part of Rhino Records. It's going to be called "Anywhere I lay my head." She's covering 10 Tom Waits songs and including one original tune. She's got a few people collaborating with her on this, the most notable being Nick Zimmer, guitarist for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I'm all for spreading your wings and trying something new, blah blah blah. But, let's just hope that she doesn't turn into the next Lindsay Lohan....oh I almost forgot....Jennifer Love Hewitt did the acting then singing thing with a ton of success too (insert sarcasm here).

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So Who's Next?

So, if we were of the betting type...which we tend to be when in Las Vegas....we would definitely be putting these 2 in our celebrity death pool for 2008. But now, which to choose as first to go? It's quite the toss up don't you think? Britney Spears: custody issues, famewhore, bad driver, un-checked medical issues, family problems, little sister who's become a publicity whore by getting knocked up. Amy Winehouse: marital problems, husband in jail for multiple months, Visa problems not allowing her to travel, oh and that pesky little crack cocaine habit. So many issues to choose from....where do I begin? I'd make a spreadsheet, but my Excel doesn't have that many columns.

Here We Go Again

I'm the last person to start getting on anyone to stop with the rumors....but this whole thing with Heath Ledger is getting ridiculous. The reports are literally changing by the minute. But this is for certain:
  • Xanax & Valium found in his apartment
  • Rolled up $20 bill found and being processed
  • Ledger has had past drug problems
  • He spent time in a rehab last year
  • He's dead